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Successful online project meeting 5G-TELK-NF - Work continues to progress!


The annual kick-off project meeting of the project partners in the large online consortium took place on Tuesday 8 February 2022.

Everyone agreed that the campus network expansion has top priority. The network expansion (at the airfield in Leck and at the GreenTEC Campus in Enge-Sande) has progressed differently; the adjustment to the equal expansion of both campus networks is therefore the main focus of the project management for the coming months. The necessary coordination with the stakeholders in Leck is already taking place intensively, so that the project team expects to be able to start with the necessary infrastructure measures soon.

Furthermore, the creation of the website of the University of Lübeck is progressing, in which the work packages of the university will be visible in more detail and will be linked to the project homepage after launch.

With regard to the control centre, the project partners have already done a lot of work, so that the first use cases are already being prepared step by step for the first tests.

The project duration to date has brought not only all project partners, but also the project management organisation VDI/VDE, the realisation that the achievement of the set goals requires extensive preparations, which the entire team, however, continues to carry out with an overall very positive mood.

Next goals are now to implement infrastructure measures for the campus networks and 5G lab tests to verify UAV and AVF connectivity.

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